this morning i woke up super early and read the scripts with the fam. we do that everyday. and everyday i go right back to bed until the last possible 10 minutes it takes for me to shower and run out the door with an apple. everyday i say i'm going to stay awake the next morning, work out, and take time to put on make up. and everyday that doesn't happen.
today i got out of bed when i was supposed to leave, again.
on saturday i forgot to text somebody and ask when i next work, so today i left half dressed for work in case a quick change on the way home from school was needed. luckily today i don't have to work at all. some days i want to work because i know i need to. but today i was hoping i wouldn't so i could deep clean my room and do lots of homework. so that was my plan for today.
i got home at 11 and it is now 2. i suppose that't not a big deal, but it feels like it when all i've done since i've been home is turn on my space heater, lay on my bed, and stalk about 50 blogs.
this is me wishing i'd just clean my room. (good thing you can't see the full extent of the damage across my floor or you'd be even more disappointed)
maybe next week?
freak. no. today. k i'll do it right now.
after i eat some lunch...
love ally
p.s. lauren the videos were perfect for all of us.