I just wanted to say I love my bestest friends. They always know when you're having a bad day and always have just the right thing to say. 2 years is the explanation for this little break down. Oh and I might of walked into work this morning with puffy eyes, and I might of started bawling and telling my co-worker my life story...yeah that might of happened. Awesome. All 3 of my wonderful friends told me they love me this week and that simple text made me feel a little better. I feel like everyone is leaving and/or moving away. Holly is in Logan, Lauren is going to Idaho, and me and Ally have work all the time. It's times like these when this quote really makes it's stance...
This is a cheesy post, but I love you guys, and I'll always be there for ya:)
Oh and a holler to my sister Lisa. She knows when I need an encouraging text and a run to Costa.